UX/UI Work

Seeking a place at the intersection of UX and Community Service

From running a successful design studio with my husband for 8 years, to working with seniors, managing my office at a psychiatric hospital and coordinating the creation of a medication database, this has all been a journey towards UX.

I want to take what I have learned working, creating solutions and systems for various communities and combine it with my love for connecting people to the services and resources they need through positive and thoughtful, user centered experiences.

Lives Well Lived Website

Defining the web presence for a new business that provides custom legacy videos

Mireille Duchesne Website

Redefining an artist’s web presence

Reimagining the web presence of a senior center

a concept to address a community in need

Hospital Medication Database

streamlining a user experience for three key personas

Edible Oasis

A comprehensive garden planning app for the budding gardener