Lives Well Lived Website

Defining the web presence for a new business that provides custom legacy videos


Jason Wood, the Founder of Lives Well Lived, approached me to create the logo, branding and a website for his service. He wanted a simple, clean and elegant site that would showcase the videos and allow potential customers to understand his process and what they would receive as an end product. His legacy videos are beautiful, highly customized pieces and so I was immediately excited to work on this project.

Once we had defined his service, its value, who would use it and why, it was time for research.

The Research

Competitive Analysis

One of the first steps was researching the Lives Well Lived competition. I identified several companies that had similar service offerings and presented those findings to Jason Wood. We identified similarities and what made his product unique.

Statistical Research

To determine the target audience for the Lives Well Lived legacy videos I decided to research the median income by age, and median household income by education in the United States. I also researched the difference between discretionary income and disposable income. Understanding what the average American family has in discretionary income per year helped to define who might be interested in this service and set the ground work for developing the personas.

Developing the personas in order to understand, the needs, experiences, and goals of our users.

Our Personas


Grandparent persona

Age: 65+

Education Level:

  • Associates or above


  • $46,360


He wants his life to be shared and remembered by future generations. He wants to leave more then photos and stories told by others. He would like to lave the story of his life through his eyes as he recounts it.


  • Had a successful career

  • Has an active lifestyle

  • Has a strong relationship with his children and grandchildren


Child persona

Age: 40-55

Education Level:

  • Bachelor's or above


  • $90,000-142,000


Nicole would like to have a leave behind of her parents for her children and grandchildren to have and to pass on. She would like to do this while her parents are healthy and vibrant so that they can be remembered that way.


  • Has a great career

  • Has a family, children, potentially grandchildren.

  • Is financially stable.

  • Has a strong relationship with her parents and her own children.



Grandchild persona

Age: 25-35

Education Level:

  • Associates or above


  • $71,000-96,000


Sam wants to surprise her parents with this gift. She doesn't want a traditional legacy journal. She wants to have something more personal and unique to remember her grandparents by and to pass on to her future children.


  • Doing well for herself.

  • Starting to establish her career.

  • Is potentially starting a family.

Devising a solution

Service Considerations

  • Are you looking to be national or local?

  • Will COVID be a barrier to the interview process as they are conducted with a more vulnerable population?

  • How will interviews be conducted, in person, via Zoom?

  • If conducted in person, how do you interview seniors safely?

  • If doing Zoom interviews, will you provide instructions for participating seniors.

  • How will the product be delivered?

  • Will instructions be provided for clients to access and download the video.

  • Ethical Considerations: well being and health of the individual interviewed.


Site Goals

  • Create a clean, accessible, informative site.

  • Easy to navigate for both tech savvy and less experienced internet users.

  • Provide potential customers with information about the product.

  • Detail the video process; project duration, assets, number of interviews, length of interviews.

  • Showcase the videos.

  • Provide users with an FAQ section to answer the most commonly asked questions.

Defining the key features

With the challenges and goals understood, these were the key features I identified as necessary.

Lives Well Lived

Outline the reasons a family might want to make a legacy video and explain the benefits of this kind of service.


Product Information

Provides the user with clear information about the legacy videos produced by Lives Well Lived.

Explain the process of working with Jason Wood.



As a feature element, showcase the trailers of the videos produced at Lives Well Lived.

Clean, inviting presentation of the trailer videos



Provide visitors answers to common questions they may have about the service and the process.

High Fidelity Wireframes

Jason wanted a simple, clean single landing page that provided potential customers with all they information they might need about his service.

Lives Well Lived High Fidelity Wireframe

Lives Well Lived High Fidelity Wireframe

Logo Design

Jason Wood asked me to create the logo and the branding for Lives Well Lived. He was looking for something clean, minimalistic and elegant. I presented him with 9 black and white logo options. Once he made his selection I started to play with colors.

Business Card Design

Once the logo was selected I worked on the business card design incorporating the bracket elements of the logo as well as the photo Jason Wood had chosen as the featured image for his site.

Business Card Design 1

Business Card Design 4

Business Card Design 6

Chosen Business Card - Design 2

Business Card Design 3

Business Card Design 5

Business Card Design 7

Design Considerations

Having created the wireframes, the logo and business card design, I decided to explore the color palette, fonts, and photography themes for the website.

Lives Well Lived Design Considerations Board

Website Designs

I provided Jason Wood with 8 desktop site designs to choose from, which you can see below, knowing that once one was chosen I would customize the design to work within the various breakpoints.

LWL Site Design 1

Site Design 1

LWL Site Design 5

Site Design 5

LWL Site Design 2

Site Design 2

LWL Site Design 6

Site Design 6 - the concept here entailed the left side as fixed element, and the right side would allow the user to scroll down.

LWL Site Design 3

Site Design 3

LWL Site Design 7

Site Design 7 - the concept here entailed the left side as fixed element, and the right side would allow the user to scroll down.

LWL Site Design 4

Site Design 4

LWL Site Design 8

Site Design 8 - the concept here entailed the left side as fixed element, and the right side would allow the user to scroll down.

Instragram Post Design

Jason Wood asked me to create some Instagram template designs, as he wanted to be able to produce his own posts. I provided him with a template and the following as inspiration.

Instagram Post Template Design - Posts 3 2 1

Instagram Post Template Design - Posts 6 5 4

Instagram Post Template Design - Posts 6 5 4

Instagram Post Template Design - Posts 9 8 7

Instagram Post Template Design - Posts 9 8 7

Building and launching Lives Well Lived

I chose Webflow as my platform to build the Lives Well Lived website. It has the flexibility I wanted to customize the site. You can view the site at Lives Well Lived



The Lives Well Lived website was a fun and exciting project. I was able to help Jason Wood further define his service, understand his competition and his market as well as create a full echo system of assets. I had the opportunity to delve into UX, logo design, site design, site development and in the end Jason Wood was very pleased with the result.