Who i am

and what is important to me

At my core, I am a mother, a wife and an incorrigible organizer and planner. I care deeply about those around me, their growth and their well being. I love the very human and grounded aspects of cooking, gardening, being outdoors, animal watching and the bonds and rewards to be found within strong communities and service to them. It is the combination of all these things that brings me peace and balance.

Read on if you’d like to know more about me.

Salmon dish


Coming from a French background, the tradition of food is tremendously important to me and an integral part of my every day life. I believe in the value of sitting down to a home cooked meal with friends and loved ones. To take the time to enjoy good food, good company and conversation. Cooking and hosting is a fun journey that you have the pleasure of taking others on, cooking things you know they will enjoy, might experience for the first time or be very familiar with, bringing a sense excitement, joy or comfort, all through a simple meal.

Garden image


There is a certain excitement and pleasure in watching plants grow from seeds in the ground into foods you can put on your plate. I have always loved plants, indoors and outdoors. Our home is filled with them. But recently we built a vegetable garden and have started on this fun new venture to grow some of our own food, when the Northeast weather allows. And its been surprisingly exciting and satisfying process.

ESO character


From sessions of Dungeons and Dragons with friends, to Diablo, to Everquest, to Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft , Elder Scrolls Online, and now Valheim, games have always been a part of my life. I find them to be fascinating escapes into different worlds and a fun way to express your creativity and imagination.

Of the many books I read in college, Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal was one that really stuck with me and would recommend to anyone as a fascinating read on the importance of games and gamification in our lives today and throughout history.

Image of boxing equipment and yoga mats


My first forays into fitness began as a teen with two Outward Bound courses, one backpacking in North Carolina, the other sailing in Maine where I met my soulmate and the love of my life. In our late 20's my husband and I took up martial arts and in time earned our Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do. Though fitness was always there in some way, with kids and busy schedules, maintaining a regular schedule was at times a bit tricky. Interestingly enough it was a watching the World's Toughest Race that reignited a love for fitness. And so a regular schedule of cardio, walking, hiking, biking, and yoga has made its way back into my life.


I’ve always loved taking pictures; landscapes, plants, animals… The iPhone was a fun introduction. But I was gifted a beautiful Canon camera recently and it has opened a world of fun and possibilities… and so much to explore and learn.